For instance, our Canadian students follow traditions that arise from the same European harvest festivals that led to our own American version. Canadian Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1578, and became a national holiday in 1879. Feasting on turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn are common to our neighbors to the north, as well.
Whether our students come from Mexico, Korea, Great Britain, or any of the countries that make up our global Fessenden community, they all celebrate the fall season with an array of traditions and customs that give thanks for their blessings. Fessenden is a rich amalgam of these many cultural contributions, and we are a more vibrant group as a result. We are a whole that is, in fact, greater than the sum of its many parts.
At our school, the importance of community is never more evident than during the yearly gathering of our boarding students and residential faculty for a very special Thanksgiving feast in the Sanderson Dining Hall. This opportunity to express our gratitude together is an essential element of building the kinds of connections and shared experiences that make Fessenden the special place it is—a global village with much to be thankful for.